- fix removeChatMessage bug in which username was an undefined variable.
- fix documentation of removeChatMessagesByUsername which was missing a letter.
- fix chat message object documentation.
- fix removeChatMessage in which message was never deleted when found.
- use the latest, stable es6 features
- score now represents an actual model
- updated getCSRF to use the new API endpoint
- validateRoomName and validateUsername return the sanitized string now instead of an object
- added data checks to GRAB event
- added return value to clearUserFromLists
- cacheChat now returns boolean value indicating if it was set
- flattened the response of activatePlaylist to just return the playlist ID
- refactored all models to use unix time now
- refactored _connectSocket
- refactored login
- refactored keepAlive as well to better suit everyone’s needs
- refactored log
- refactored _wsaprocessor and renamed to _eventProcessor
- refactored chat into an object
- refactored the removeChatMessage* functions
- refactored query to hold all options in an object
- refactored chat to hold all related data in an object
- refactored all tests to adapt to the new code
- fixed timing bug with query and chat
- fixed bug in requestSelf
- a new documentation (This should solve a lot of starter issues)
- the previous model was added into the documentation
- mapped PlaylistCycle
- mapped LevelUp
- mapped Transaction
- added setHeartbeatRate function in action of refactoring keepAlive
- added getHeartbeatRate function in action of refactoring keepAlive
- added setVerbosity function in action of refactoring log
- added getVerbosity function in action of refactoring log
- added waitlistBan event
- added sendSOS method
- added _removeChatMessage
- added setMaxTimeout
- added getMaxTimeout
- added _clearHeartbeat
- removed logger from the package since it served its purpose
- removed JOINED_ROOM and PLUG_ERROR were removed, you have to use a callback now
- removed the previous waitlist from the waitlist event
- removed insertMedia function