Chat message offering some further details about the user that wrote it.
"cid": "",
"message": "",
"sub": -1,
"id": -1,
"username": ""
- cid
Unique identifier of chat message.
The cid consists of three identifiers, first is the user’s ID, second the unix timestamp of the message and a third suffix, so for example a message from user 1234567 at unix time 1234567890 would look like this: 1234567-1234567890123
Type: String
Default Value:""
- message
Actual message sent by user.
Type: String
Default Value:""
- sub
Indicates if the user have a subscription going.
Subscription has a zero based index with 0 representing false as in the user have no subscription going and 1 with them having.
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- id
User’s ID.
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- username
User’s name
Type: String
Default Value:""