The Invitation model consists of a slimmed down User model with only a few required members for plug’s UI.
This can also act as a contract model between two users in which user A requests user B to accept their friend request. This allows for some info to be shared, for example if they are online, in which room they currently are and more.
"avatarID": "",
"gRole": -1,
"id": -1,
"joined": "Invalid Date",
"level": -1,
"status": -1,
"timestamp": "Invalid Date",
"username": "",
- avatarID
User’s avatar, i.e. “animals01”.
Type: String
Default Value:""
- gRole
User’s global role.
For further explanation about the global roles check out GlobalRole
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- id
Unique identifier of user.
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- joined
Time they joined
Type: String
Default Value:"Invalid Date"
- level
Their current level.
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- status
User’s online status.
As with a lot of other Integer based boolean flags, this too is a zero based index with 0 meaning the user is offline and 1 that they are online.
Type: Number
Default Value:-1
- timestamp
Timestamp of when the request was sent.
Type: String
Default Value:"Invalid Date"
- username
User’s name.
Type: String
Default Value:""